CMNCP’s 2021 virtual conference aimed to support urban and rural municipalities, Indigenous communities, agencies, groups, and individuals in their efforts to prevent crime and increase community safety in the communities and neighbourhoods in which they work, live, learn, or play. Join our conference mailing list to receive important updates. Social media: #CMNCP21
Who Attended?
Over 200 participants attended CMNCP's 2021 virtual conference. The conference brought together individuals from a range of sectors, disciplines, and career stages, all striving for a common goal: decrease crime and increase community safety and well-being. Participants came from a variety of spaces including:- Individuals working in community safety and crime/violence prevention
- Administrators and managers
- Elected officials
- Policy-makers
- Individuals working in urban, rural, remote, and small communities
- Academics and researchers
- Students/trainees
- Media personnel
- Anyone with an interest in crime prevention, community safety, and well-being
Important Dates
- Registration: Closed
- Preliminary Program Launch: mid-August
- CMNCP 21: Monday October 4 to Wednesday October 6
Conference Topics
The 2021 Conference examined several topical and leading-edge questions designed to inspire and provoke conversation in creating safe communities across Canada:- What does “safety” mean and for whom?
- What are the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on community safety?
- What is the role of community safety practitioners in advancing equity and diversity?
- How does addressing systemic issues, such as racism and oppression, as well as advancing social justice and equity increase community safety communities?
- How can communities take action against hate and violent extremism?
- Expand and deepen their knowledge and skills through sessions and workshops in crime prevention and community safety.
- Connect to other practitioners through networking.
Conference Objectives
- Foster a community of practice through interactions and exchanges among those working in crime prevention and community safety across Canada.
- Bring a lens focused on the impact a global pandemic has on community safety.
- Advance equity and diversity as an imperative to creating safe communities.
- Illustrate the way opportunities to address systemic issues, such as racism and oppression, can increase community safety.
- Enhance knowledge of practitioners.
- Provide coaching opportunities to current practitioners.
- Translate evidence into programs, policy, and practice through a keynote address and a keynote discussion panel.
- Outline important considerations for adding equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) and anti-racism lenses to everyday community safety work including measures, policy, and performance.
The 2021 virtual conference took place from October 4-6 and included an opening session & keynote address on Monday October 4, 2021, thematic sessions, networking sessions, and a closing session & keynote panel on Wednesday October 6, 2021.Confirmed Keynote Speakers
- Senator LaBoucane-Benson
- Nishan Duraiappah (Peel Region Chief of Police)
- Annette Trimbee (President, McEwan University)
- Roxanne Springer (Research Associate, Viessmann Centre for Engagement and Research in Sustainability (VERiS), Laurier University)
- Erica Beaudin (Executive Director, Regina Treaty Status Indian Services)
Confirmed Thematic Sessions
- Homelessness
- LGBTQ2 Communities
- Rural Crime
- Social Polarization and Hate
- Systemic Racism
- Upstream Prevention
- Violence Prevention
- Violence & Trauma
- Youth Violence Prevention
CMNCP appreciates the financial support from corporate sponsors. Financial contributions do not entitle corporate sponsors to any involvement in the development of the conference program.Sponsors